Reusing Churches – International Forum

Two exhibitions

Exhibition "Planning tomorrow's church in dialogue. Spaces of possibility in the Roderbruch"

A group of 17 architecture, art history and theology students from Hildesheim, Berlin, Leuwen (Belgium), Göttingen, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe held two weekend workshops with the congregation at the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Centre in Hanover in November 2019 and January 2020 under the direction of Kersin Gothe (urban planning), Jan Hermelink (theology) and Gerlad Klahr (architect, Prinzmetal office). Together they developed new concepts for the building and the church's work. This resulted in an exhibition and a publication. The following students worked on this project: Charlotte Ardui, Ina Baeteman, Sofija Bakanova, Clara Blum, Mario Gellrich, Rebekka Gottwald, Patrick Kellner, Johanna Klumpe, Stefan Knapmeyer, Caroline Krüger, Sascha Maskow, Arne Meyer, Lea Müller, Kristina-Maria Redeker, Simon Reinecke, Gunnar Schulz-Achelis, Linda Wirth.


Exhibition "Curse and Blessing. Church buildings in transition" (Museum der Baukultur NRW)

Organised by "Das M:AI - Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW", the exhibition "Curse and Blessing. Churches of post-war modernism" was shown. The exhibition focussed on the significance of modern church buildings and how to deal with their vacancies. The exhibition was accompanied by the publication "Fluch und Segen. Church buildings in transition". The exhibition was curated by Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst, Peter Köddermann and Karen Jung. For copyright reasons, the exhibition cannot be shown here, but the publication accompanying the exhibition can.



 Gerald Klahr
Name / Titel
Gerald Klahr
Architekturbüro prinzmetal, Cologne, Germany
 Jan Hermelink
Name / Titel
Jan Hermelink
Georg August University Göttingen, Germany
 Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst
Name / Titel
Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst
Museum of Architecture and Engineering North Rhine-Westphalia, Gelsenkirchen, Germany


 Kerstin Gothe
Name / Titel
Kerstin Gothe
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany